Café 68, Bishop Auckland

The 68 Cafe
Bishop Auckland, County Durham
Planning Authority
Durham County Council
Transport Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage Strategy

Project Overview

AMA was appointed to provide Flood Risk Assessment, expert Drainage Strategy and Highways advice on this unique ten pod sustainable glamping site.

AMA supported the successful planning application, specialising on the development of a bespoke drainage strategy and design on site to the satisfaction of both DCC and the client.

This included the use of permavoid attenuation in the vicinity of the parking area away from site and agreement of a shallow detention basin doubling up as a key aesthetic feature in proximity to the café’s outdoor seating area and rain garden.

Key Inputs / Outcomes

  • AMA achieved a bespoke drainage layout and strategy to the satisfaction of both the LLFA and client which complemented the proposed uses doubling up as a green infrastructure site feature.
  • Agreed with DCC a revised in / out arrangement for the site accesses where resistance was previously received on visibility / road safety grounds.
  • The scheme is to start construction in 2021 with AMA providing further detailed drainage and highways design drawings for DCC approval and tendering with contractors.
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