St Andrew’s Way, Newton Aycliffe

Stonegrave Aggregates Limited
Newton Aycliffe, County Durham
Planning Authority
Durham City Council
Transport Assessment Travel Plan, Air Quality Assessment Traffic Data, Noise Assessment Traffic Data

Project Overview

AMA assisted Stonegrave Aggregates submit an outline planning consent for up to 357,900ft2 of B2 and B8 units, a hotel and coffee drive-thru on a site to the west of A167 in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham

AMA prepared a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan in support of the planning application, also supporting the Air Quality and Noise Assessment reports with the preparation of AADT and AAWT Traffic data for the local highway network with and without the development traffic.

Given the proximity of the site to the Strategic Highway Network, both Highways England and Durham Highways were consultees on the scheme.

Key Inputs / Outcomes

  • AMA agreed the scope of the required TA with both the HE and LHA. To ensure acceptability and to provide the best commercial position for the applicant, this was tailored based on existing consented development proposals and parameters on an adjacent site to the south.
  • AMA required to justify the use of an existing adopted access which no longer met DMRB design standards. As such ATC speed survey data was commissioned and pro-rata splays justified.
  • AMA concluded that based on the capacity assessments undertaken, the development would result in a negligible impact and that no off-site highways contributions would be required.
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