Tetley Hall, Headingley

Pickard Properties
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Planning Authority
Leeds City Council
Highways Supporting Statement, Planning Appeal

Project Overview

AMA prepared a Highways Supporting Statement for Pickard Properties to accompany a planning application for a change of use from office to residential use.

Leeds City Council (LCC) Highways were opposed to the scheme on the basis it had an under provision of parking spaces against LCC Highways standards for an out of city centre site.

AMA supported the scheme at planning which was refused on highways officers recommendations. AMA subsequently advised that the client take the scheme to planning appeal as we were confident of success.

The scheme was ultimately successful at appeal gaining a consent for our client.

Key Inputs / Outcomes

  • AMA supported the planning appeal making a structured argument to the Planning Inspectorate that LCC parking policy should not apply in this specific location.
  • AMA’s argument set out a case for the site’s highly sustainable location where alternatives to private car are abundant with frequent public transport services and high quality walking / cycling infrastructure.
  • This success enabled the client to have a commercially deliverable scheme where they had previously been in a position of expecting a full refusal.
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